Multiplication Math Sheets
Multiplication worksheet generator. Use the form options below to specify what kind of problems to generate.
Set the operand values as per your needs. For example: For 1st to 2nd grade kids, you can create multiplication sheets with numbers between 1 and 10.
You may add Name and Date in the header of PDF and generate up to 35 (7 rows x 5 columns) random basic multiplication problems per PDF sheet.
Generate Multiplication Problems
How to generate multiplication worksheets
1. Set the minimum and maximum values of each of the two operands.
2. Check With header if you want a sheet with name and date.
3. Check With answers if you want a sheet with the correct answers to the questions.
Generate multiplication worksheets as per your grade
You can set operand values between 0 - 1000. But remember to generate multiplication worksheets as per the age of the student. Here below are our suggestions according to American education system:
Kindergarten - 2nd grade (Ages 4-7)
Students do not need to learn basic multiplication before 7 years old. But if they want to challenge, they can start to learn multiplication up to 9x9.3rd grade (Ages 8-9)
Start to learn multiplication as repeated addition, they can work with facts up to 10x10 and solve problems involving these operations. Set the two operand values 0 - 10 and generate multiplication worksheets for 3rd grade.
4th Grade (Ages 9-10)
Learn to multiply larger numbers, such as multi-digit multiplication (e.g., two-digit by two-digit). In this case, you can set the operand values between 11 - 99 and generate multiplication worksheets for 4th grade.5th Grade and above
Continue practice with multi-digit multiplication and begin to work with decimals. For now, we do not generate multiplication with decimals.