• 🔎 Use Print Preview feature and set "Zoom" to "Shrink to fit" to ensure best print results.
  • 📏 Adjust settings such as margin size to 0.3" optimize print output.
  • 📄 Adjust "Worksheets" value to get more worksheets per set of print outs.
  • 🗝️ Answer keys are on the last page.
  • 🔢 1-digit equations are all possible equations not including 1.
  • 😀 Random emojis using Twemoji featured on each worksheet in case worksheets mix up.

Multiplication Worksheets with Visual Emoji Equations

On this page, you will be able to generate unlimited Worksheets for Multiplication with Visual Emoji Equations. They are great math sheets for 2nd grade kids to start learning how multiplication works.

Preview the worksheet(s) and configure print settings, download into PDF or print directly.

How many worksheets?

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